The Embassy of France in Ukraine inaugurated in 2009 the Annual International Social Science School in Ukraine. For an intensive week in early July, an international group of twenty doctoral students and up to a dozen faculties are converging to a different town in Ukraine to hear and discuss presentations on ongoing research on a critical theme.
The Summer School is designed to be interdisciplinary and international and follows the format of a Workshop. The program also includes lectures and field trips, of historical and contemporary significance, within the region.
The first five Schools were held in
• Uman, July 2009 (Studying Memories of Central Europe)
• Dnipropetrovsk, July 2010 (Approaches to Post-Soviet Transformation)
• Ostroh, July 2011 (Soviet Legacies, Post-Soviet Practices: Politics, Economy, Everyday Life)
• Zhytomyr, July 2012 (Violence and Its Aftermath in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Context)
• Mykolaiv, July 2014 (Challenging the Social Order: Revolution, Reform and Transformation Under and After Socialism)
The 6th Annual School, to be held in Lviv, Western Ukraine, on 1-8 July 2014, will have the theme of “Embracing the City.”
In 2010, the Chair of Ukrainian Studies became a co-sponsor of the School, in partnership with the Doctoral School of the University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales [EHESS] in Paris. In 2013, the partners also include the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre-La Défense and the Franco-Belarusian Center for European Studies (Belarus), as well as our local partner, the Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University in Mykolaiv. The 2014 School will be primarily funded by the Danyliw Foundation, a long-term partner of the Chair, in partnership with the Chair, the French Embassy in Kyiv, the Center for Urban History in East Central Europe and returning institutions.
The Organizing Committee includes Anna Colin Lebedev (EHESS), Dominique Arel (Chair of Ukrainian Studies), Mayhill Fowler (Stetson College, US), Sophie Lambroschini (EHESS), François-Xavier Nérard (U Paris Sorbonne), Ioulia Shukan (U Paris Ouest Nanterre), and Mychailo Wynnyckyj (Kyiv-Mohyla Academy).
The Application Form could be found here: http://www.ukrainianstudies.uottawa.ca/summer_school_2014.html
The Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC) announces a grants competition to support research and preservation of materials related to the Holodomor.Grants will not exceed $5000, except in exceptional circumstances. Applications will be accepted in English, French or Ukrainian. Please send the following materials byemail to hrec@ualberta.ca :